Suvi: Gekkeiju Online
Congratulations. The announcement on the website and the gallery update is on its way. Great to see this project getting the publicity it deserves.
And for all of you: Just keep on voting for the next month' screenshot and submit for the new screenshot of the month in May!
In order of posting (apologies for the lack of thumbnails)
1. strong99: planet shader

2. skumar: VR Walking

3. freetimecoder: earth 1

4. freetimecoder: earth 2

5: freetimecoder: earth 3

6: bitplane: PLY loader

7: bitplane: Console device

8: Mirror: Water shader

9: BlindSide: Ray tracing IVideoDriver 1

10: BlindSide: Ray tracing IVideoDriver 2

11: BlindSide: Ray tracing IVideoDriver 3

12: Ein: Lightmap

13: Ein: Outside

14: MasterD: YASS - Yet another Space Shooter

15: mk.1: Chaos

16: Suvi: Gekkeiju Online