Dear fellow Irrlichters,
it's about time to show a bit of my work. Back about 2 years I began to work on an idea that's been floating around in my mind for quite some time. It's the idea to create a game that relies on the principles Bohemia Interactive's "Operation Flashpoint" is built upon - hence the name.
This means:
- Vast, credible and appealing countryside
- Simulation rather than arcade game (without sacrificing fun)
- In the first step infantry only, then including vehicles and aircrafts
- Multiplayer only
- Current platforms: mainly linux, win supported (MinGW, MSVC), mac maybe (maybe not cause of my personal disliking)
The current setup consists of a hilly countryside with two schematic villages serving as spawns for each of the two teams. Some forests cover the space between them. The players can pick up weaponry and equipment (for now, mags for the available guns). Current weaponry consists of SMGs, (assault) rifles and machine guns. New guns can easily be specified by extending the weapon def config file. The game does not feature HUD-crosshairs, every weapon has to be aimed using the available sight, see screenshots.
What's available up to now is fully implemented as a networked setup.
Thanks to cobra's irrWeatherManager, the game aleo features a realistic day and night cycle.
Next steps:
- use devsh's FWGrass to handle foliage
- integrate irrBullet (thanks to cobra, again)
- bother gfx and modeler co-workers to help out with visual stuff
- generally find more time to work on the project (atm I get my hands on it every couple of months)
Being a one-man-show: none. An important expectation of such a project is to not expect anything. If I lose interest someday it's been at least for the fun and experience in graphics programming. If it gets somewhere, dunno, likely keep it opensource.
Thanks go out to these community projects:
- irrWeatherManager (cobra)
- irrBullet (cobra)
- cAudio (wildrj et al)
- tree model (ent1ty)
- irrNetLite

Screenshot 1: Soldier guarding alongside the biggest forest, equipped with a MP5 sticking out of his stomach. In the background blueville with another player to its right.

Screenshot 2: View from the position of the 2nd soldier using a M4 (slightly out of scale (and textures)).

Screenshot 3: Pressing some key brings up the interaction menu. It shows game objects available for interaction in the player's surroundings on the left, stuff being carried by the player to the right. The buttons in between obviously allow to take / dispose objects. The available mags can be seen as highpoly super-cool cubes on the ground. The sexy sphere in the left part of the image is for debugging purposes.

Screenshot 4: The intro screen. Shows a cam pan over the scenery. Screens were taken a couple of hours later - in the evening. Hence sunset.

Screenshot 5: Aiming is activated holding down the right mouse button. As for the MP5, this activates the iron sights. Works quite well. Again sunset atmosphere. Btw, Redville is pretty much in aiming direction somewhere behind the hills. If you look closely you can see some chimneys to the left of the gun.

Screenshot 6: This shows the inital map I plan to realize. I just took a detail of some countryside right next to my home town (Austria) so don't be scared by the naming of the villages. Freely cut out to make it look like an island.

Screenshot 7: New in OFL: a small lit path between red- and blueville. You can see some more lamps in the background. Should find some time to actually pave that street.
Note: Ignore the FPS, screens taken on a 5yr old computer.
Comments welcome, thanks for your attention,