I spent three months developing a video driver for DX 10. Only the basic infrastructure is ready, and there are still problems to solve, like objects with dynamic geometry (sky boxes, particles and text scene nodes), since DirectX 10 only supports vertices in buffers. But there's good results. See the screen shots:

In this, I still have some problem with visualization of sky dome...

The driver is using DirectX 10.1, which permits use of WARP driver, enabling acceptable performance even on machines without dedicated video cards. It's also only supporting feature levels 10.0, 10.1 and 11.0 (to use feature levels 9.X, use DirectX 9 driver

Additionally, I made some other changes, like preparing some classes to add effect material (like HLSL FX and CgFX).
I developed DirectX 10 version together with DirectX 11, just to allow using Cg plugin, because there's no Cg API for DX 11, so I started with DX 10.
It's available in BitBucket: http://bitbucket.org/evandromillian/irr ... x/overview
I wait for comments.