Skinning Bone matrix with 4x3 instead of 4x4

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Re: Skinning Bone matrix with 4x3 instead of 4x4

Post by The_Glitch »

Well I use shader pipeline so it always a pain to convert everything over to work with it.
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Re: Skinning Bone matrix with 4x3 instead of 4x4

Post by devsh »

Here is my explanation why changing 4x4 to 4x3 or even dual quaternion is a bad way to increase your bone count (having bones in uniform arrays is a bad idea anyway) ... 38#p298338
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Re: Skinning Bone matrix with 4x3 instead of 4x4

Post by The_Glitch »

Well without modifying irrlicht a lot of the advance stuff is not going to work.

Have you made any progress?
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Re: Skinning Bone matrix with 4x3 instead of 4x4

Post by devsh »

Here is my 4x3 matrix class

Converting all matrix4 in BAWIrrlicht to matrix4x3 except the projection matrix.
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt
// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h


#include "irrMath.h"
#include "vector3d.h"
#include "vector2d.h"
#include "plane3d.h"
#include "aabbox3d.h"
#include "rect.h"

namespace irr
namespace core

class matrix4x3;

/** Calculate a*b */
matrix4x3 concatenateBFollowedByA(const matrix4x3& other_a,const matrix4x3& other_b );

class matrix4x3

//! Constructor Flags
enum eConstructor

//! Default constructor
/** \param constructor Choose the initialization style */
inline matrix4x3( eConstructor constructor = EM4CONST_IDENTITY )
switch ( constructor )
column[0].X = 1.f;
column[1].Y = 1.f;
column[2].Z = 1.f;
//! Copy constructor
/** \param other Other matrix to copy from
\param constructor Choose the initialization style */
inline matrix4x3(const matrix4x3& other, eConstructor constructor = EM4CONST_COPY)
switch ( constructor )
column[0].X = 1.f;
column[1].Y = 1.f;
column[2].Z = 1.f;
*this = other;
if (!other.getInverse(*this))
memset(M, 0, 12*sizeof(float));

//! Simple operator for directly accessing every element of the matrix.
inline float& operator()(const size_t &row, const size_t &col) {return reinterpret_cast<float*>(column)[row*3 + col];}

//! Simple operator for directly accessing every element of the matrix.
inline const float& operator()(const size_t& row, const size_t& col) const { return reinterpret_cast<float*>(column)[row*3 + col]; }

//! Simple operator for linearly accessing every element of the matrix.
inline float& operator[](const size_t& index) {return reinterpret_cast<float*>(column)[index];}

//! Simple operator for linearly accessing every element of the matrix.
inline const float& operator[](const size_t& index) const {return reinterpret_cast<float*>(column)[index];}

inline vector3df& getColumn(const size_t& index) {return column[index];}
inline const vector3df& getColumn(const size_t& index) const {return column[index];}

//! Sets this matrix equal to the other matrix.
inline matrix4x3& operator=(const matrix4x3 &other)
column[0] = other.column[0];
column[1] = other.column[1];
column[2] = other.column[2];
column[3] = other.column[3];
return *this;

//! Returns pointer to internal array
inline const float* pointer() const { return reinterpret_cast<float*>(column); }
inline float* pointer() { return reinterpret_cast<float*>(column); }

//! Returns true if other matrix is equal to this matrix.
inline bool operator==(const matrix4x3 &other) const
return column[0]==column[0]&&column[1]==column[1]&&column[2]==column[2]&&column[3]==column[3];

//! Returns true if other matrix is not equal to this matrix.
inline bool operator!=(const matrix4x3 &other) const
return column[0]!=column[0]||column[1]!=column[1]||column[2]!=column[2]||column[3]!=column[3];

//! Add another matrix.
inline matrix4x3 operator+(const matrix4x3& other) const
matrix4x3 ret(*this);
return ret += other;

//! Add another matrix.
inline matrix4x3& operator+=(const matrix4x3& other)
column[0] += other.column[0];
column[1] += other.column[1];
column[2] += other.column[2];
column[3] += other.column[3];
return *this;

//! Subtract another matrix.
inline matrix4x3 operator-(const matrix4x3& other) const
matrix4x3 ret(*this);
return ret -= other;

//! Subtract another matrix.
inline matrix4x3& operator-=(const matrix4x3& other)
column[0] -= other.column[0];
column[1] -= other.column[1];
column[2] -= other.column[2];
column[3] -= other.column[3];
return *this;

//! apply this transformation before other (i.e. this==world, other==viewproj, gl_WorldViewProj = world.concatenateBefore(viewproj) )
inline matrix4x3& concatenateBefore(const matrix4x3& other)
*this = concatenateBFollowedByA(other,*this);
return *this;

//! apply this transformation after other (i.e. this==proj, other==view, gl_ViewProj = proj.concatenateAfter(view) )
inline matrix4x3& concatenateAfter()
*this = concatenateBFollowedByA(*this,other);
return *this;

//! Multiply by scalar.
inline matrix4x3 operator*(const float& scalar) const
matrix4x3 ret(*this);
return ret *= scalar;

//! Multiply by scalar.
inline matrix4x3& operator*=(const float& scalar)
column[0] *= scalar;
column[1] *= scalar;
column[2] *= scalar;
column[3] *= scalar;
return *this;

//! Set matrix to identity.
inline matrix4x3& makeIdentity()

//! Returns true if the matrix is the identity matrix
inline bool isIdentity() const
return column==vector3df(1.f,0.f,0.f)&&column[1]==vector3df(0.f,1.f,0.f)&&column[2]==vector3df(0.f,0.f,1.f)&&column[3]==vector3df(0.f,0.f,0.f);

//! Set the translation of the current matrix. Will erase any previous values.
inline matrix4x3& setTranslation( const vector3df& translation )
column[3] = translation;
return *this;

//! Gets the current translation
inline const vector3df& getTranslation() const {return column[3];}

//! Set the inverse translation of the current matrix. Will erase any previous values.
inline matrix4x3& setInverseTranslation( const vector3df& translation )
column[3] = -translation;
return *this;

//! Make a rotation matrix from Euler angles. The 4th row and column are unmodified.
inline matrix4x3& setRotationRadians( const vector3df& rotation );

//! Make a rotation matrix from Euler angles. The 4th row and column are unmodified.
inline matrix4x3& setRotationDegrees( const vector3df& rotation )
return setRotationRadians( rotation * core::DEGTORAD );

//! Returns the rotation, as set by setRotation().
/** This code was orginally written by by Chev. */
inline core::vector3df getRotationDegrees() const;

//! Make a rotation matrix from angle and axis, assuming left handed rotation.
/** The 4th row and column are unmodified. */
inline matrix4x3& setRotationAxisRadians(const float& angle, const vector3df& axis);

//! Set Scale
inline matrix4x3& setScale( const vector3df& scale );

//! Set Scale
inline matrix4x3& setScale( const float scale ) { return setScale(core::vector3df(scale,scale,scale)); }

//! Get Scale
inline core::vector3df getScale() const;

//! Translate a vector by the translation part of this matrix.
inline void translateVect( vector3df& vect ) const
vect += column[3];

//! Translate a vector by the inverse of the translation part of this matrix.
inline void inverseTranslateVect( vector3df& vect ) const
vect -= column[3];

inline void transformVect(float *in_out) const
reinterpret_cast<vector3df*>(in_out)[0] = column[0]*in_out[0]+column[1]*in_out[1]+column[2]*in_out[2]+column[3];

inline void transformVect(float *out, const float * in) const
reinterpret_cast<vector3df*>(out)[0] = column[0]*in[0]+column[1]*in[1]+column[2]*in[2]+column[3];

inline void pseudoMulWith4x1(float *in_out) const
reinterpret_cast<vector3df*>(in_out)[0] = column[0]*in_out[0]+column[1]*in_out[1]+column[2]*in_out[2]+column[3];
in_out[3] = 1.f;

inline void pseudoMulWith4x1(float *out, const float * in) const
reinterpret_cast<vector3df*>(out)[0] = column[0]*in[0]+column[1]*in[1]+column[2]*in[2]+column[3];
out[3] = 1.f;

inline void mulSub3x3With3x1(float *in_out) const
reinterpret_cast<vector3df*>(in_out)[0] = column[0]*in_out[0]+column[1]*in_out[1]+column[2]*in_out[2];

inline void mulSub3x3With3x1(float *out, const float * in) const
reinterpret_cast<vector3df*>(out)[0] = column[0]*in[0]+column[1]*in[1]+column[2]*in[2];

//! Transforms a plane by this matrix
inline void transformPlane( core::plane3d<f32> &plane) const
core::plane3df temp;
plane = temp;

//! Transforms a plane by this matrix
// (N,D).(x,1) = 0
// N.(Mx) + D = 0
inline void transformPlane( const core::plane3d<f32> &in, core::plane3d<f32> &out) const
out.Normal.X = in.Normal.dotProduct(column[0]);
out.Normal.Y = in.Normal.dotProduct(column[1]);
out.Normal.Z = in.Normal.dotProduct(column[2]);
float len = out.Normal.getLength();

out.Normal /= len;
out.D = (in.Normal.dotProduct(column[3]) + in.D)/len;

//! Transforms a axis aligned bounding box
inline void transformBoxEx(core::aabbox3d<f32>& box) const
core::aabbox3df tmpBox;
tmpBox.MinEdge.X = column[0].X*(column[0].X<0.f ? box.MaxEdge.X:box.MinEdge.X)+column[1].X*(column[1].X<0.f ? box.MaxEdge.Y:box.MinEdge.Y)+column[2].X*(column[2].X<0.f ? box.MaxEdge.Z:box.MinEdge.Z);
tmpBox.MinEdge.Y = column[0].Y*(column[0].Y<0.f ? box.MaxEdge.X:box.MinEdge.X)+column[1].Y*(column[1].Y<0.f ? box.MaxEdge.Y:box.MinEdge.Y)+column[2].Y*(column[2].Y<0.f ? box.MaxEdge.Z:box.MinEdge.Z);
tmpBox.MinEdge.Z = column[0].Z*(column[0].Z<0.f ? box.MaxEdge.X:box.MinEdge.X)+column[1].Z*(column[1].Z<0.f ? box.MaxEdge.Y:box.MinEdge.Y)+column[2].Z*(column[2].Z<0.f ? box.MaxEdge.Z:box.MinEdge.Z);
tmpBox.MaxEdge.X = column[0].X*(column[0].X<0.f ? box.MinEdge.X:box.MaxEdge.X)+column[1].X*(column[1].X<0.f ? box.MinEdge.Y:box.MaxEdge.Y)+column[2].X*(column[2].X<0.f ? box.MinEdge.Z:box.MaxEdge.Z);
tmpBox.MaxEdge.Y = column[0].Y*(column[0].Y<0.f ? box.MinEdge.X:box.MaxEdge.X)+column[1].Y*(column[1].Y<0.f ? box.MinEdge.Y:box.MaxEdge.Y)+column[2].Y*(column[2].Y<0.f ? box.MinEdge.Z:box.MaxEdge.Z);
tmpBox.MaxEdge.Z = column[0].Z*(column[0].Z<0.f ? box.MinEdge.X:box.MaxEdge.X)+column[1].Z*(column[1].Z<0.f ? box.MinEdge.Y:box.MaxEdge.Y)+column[2].Z*(column[2].Z<0.f ? box.MinEdge.Z:box.MaxEdge.Z);
tmpBox.MinEdge += column[3];
tmpBox.MaxEdge += column[3];

box = tmpBox;

//! Calculates inverse of matrix. Slow.
/** \return Returns false if there is no inverse matrix.*/
inline bool makeInverse()
matrix4x3 temp ( EM4CONST_NOTHING );

if (getInverse(temp))
*this = temp;
return true;

return false;

//! Gets the inversed matrix of this one
/** \param out: where result matrix is written to.
\return Returns false if there is no inverse matrix. */
inline bool getInverse(matrix4x3& out) const
/// Calculates the inverse of this Matrix
/// The inverse is calculated using Cramers rule.
/// If no inverse exists then 'false' is returned.

const matrix4x3 &m = *this;

f32 d = column[0].dotProduct(column[1].crossProduct(column[2]));

if( core::iszero ( d, FLT_MIN ) )
return false;

d = core::reciprocal ( d );

/**====================BETTER OPTION========================
Transpose (if column first)
New Column = cross(other rows which are not i)
Transpose (if row first)
some +/- poop

out[0] = m.column[1].Y*m.column[2].Z - m.column[1].Z*m.column[2].Y;
out[1] = m.column[2].Y*m.column[0].Z - m.column[2].Z*m.column[0].Y;
out[2] = m.column[0].Y*m.column[1].Z - m.column[0].Z*m.column[1].Y;
out[3] = m.column[1].Z*m.column[2].X - m.column[1].X*m.column[2].Z;
out[4] = m.column[2].Z*m.column[0].X - m.column[2].X*m.column[0].Z;
out[5] = m.column[0].Z*m.column[1].X - m.column[0].X*m.column[1].Z;
out[6] = m.column[1].X*m.column[2].Y - m.column[1].Y*m.column[2].X;
out[7] = m.column[2].X*m.column[0].Y - m.column[2].Y*m.column[0].X;
out[8] = m.column[0].X*m.column[1].Y - m.column[0].Y*m.column[1].X;

out *= d;

//out.column[3] = out.column[0]*m.column[3].X+out.column[1]*m.column[3].Y+out.column[2]*m.column[3].Z;

return true;

//! Builds a left-handed look-at matrix.
inline matrix4x3& buildCameraLookAtMatrixLH(
const vector3df& position,
const vector3df& target,
const vector3df& upVector);

//! Builds a right-handed look-at matrix.
inline matrix4x3& buildCameraLookAtMatrixRH(
const vector3df& position,
const vector3df& target,
const vector3df& upVector);

//! Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another
/** \param from: vector to rotate from
\param to: vector to rotate to
inline matrix4x3& buildRotateFromTo(const core::vector3df& from, const core::vector3df& to);

//! Builds a combined matrix which translates to a center before rotation and translates from origin afterwards
/** \param center Position to rotate around
\param translate Translation applied after the rotation
inline void setRotationCenter(const core::vector3df& center, const core::vector3df& translate);

//! Builds a matrix which rotates a source vector to a look vector over an arbitrary axis
/** \param camPos: viewer position in world coo
\param center: object position in world-coo and rotation pivot
\param translation: object final translation from center
\param axis: axis to rotate about
\param from: source vector to rotate from
inline void buildAxisAlignedBillboard(const core::vector3df& camPos,
const core::vector3df& center,
const core::vector3df& translation,
const core::vector3df& axis,
const core::vector3df& from);

//! Sets all matrix data members at once
inline matrix4x3& setM(const float* data)

//! Matrix data, stored in row-major order
vector3df column[4];

inline matrix4x3 concatenateBFollowedByA(const matrix4x3& other_a,const matrix4x3& other_b )
matrix4x3 ret;

ret.getColumn(0) = other_a.getColumn(0)*other_b[0]+other_a.getColumn(1)*other_b[1 ]+other_a.getColumn(2)*other_b[2 ];
ret.getColumn(1) = other_a.getColumn(0)*other_b[3]+other_a.getColumn(1)*other_b[4 ]+other_a.getColumn(2)*other_b[6 ];
ret.getColumn(2) = other_a.getColumn(0)*other_b[6]+other_a.getColumn(1)*other_b[7 ]+other_a.getColumn(2)*other_b[8 ];
ret.getColumn(3) = other_a.getColumn(0)*other_b[9]+other_a.getColumn(1)*other_b[10]+other_a.getColumn(2)*other_b[11]+other_a.getColumn(3);

return ret;

inline matrix4x3& matrix4x3::setRotationRadians( const vector3df& rotation )
const float cr = cosf( rotation.X );
const float sr = sinf( rotation.X );
const float cp = cosf( rotation.Y );
const float sp = sinf( rotation.Y );
const float cy = cosf( rotation.Z );
const float sy = sinf( rotation.Z );

column[0].X = (float)( cp*cy );
column[0].Y = (float)( cp*sy );
column[0].Z = (float)( -sp );

const float srsp = sr*sp;
const float crsp = cr*sp;

column[1].X = (float)( srsp*cy-cr*sy );
column[1].Y = (float)( srsp*sy+cr*cy );
column[1].Z = (float)( sr*cp );

column[2].X = (float)( crsp*cy+sr*sy );
column[2].Y = (float)( crsp*sy-sr*cy );
column[2].Z = (float)( cr*cp );

return *this;

//! Returns a rotation that is equivalent to that set by setRotationDegrees().
/** This code was sent in by Chev. Note that it does not necessarily return
the *same* Euler angles as those set by setRotationDegrees(), but the rotation will
be equivalent, i.e. will have the same result when used to rotate a vector or node. */
inline core::vector3df matrix4x3::getRotationDegrees() const
const matrix4x3 &mat = *this;
core::vector3df scale = getScale();
// we need to check for negative scale on to axes, which would bring up wrong results
if (scale.Y<0 && scale.Z<0)
scale.Y =-scale.Y;
scale.Z =-scale.Z;
else if (scale.X<0 && scale.Z<0)
scale.X =-scale.X;
scale.Z =-scale.Z;
else if (scale.X<0 && scale.Y<0)
scale.X =-scale.X;
scale.Y =-scale.Y;
const core::vector3d<float> invScale(core::reciprocal(scale.X),core::reciprocal(scale.Y),core::reciprocal(scale.Z));

float Y = -asinf(core::clamp(mat[2]*invScale.X, -1.0, 1.0));
const float C = cosf(Y);

float rotx, roty, X, Z;

if (!core::iszero(C))
const float invC = core::reciprocal(C);
rotx = mat[8] * invC * invScale.Z;
roty = mat[5] * invC * invScale.Y;
X = atan2f( roty, rotx ) * RADTODEG64;
rotx = mat[0] * invC * invScale.X;
roty = mat[1] * invC * invScale.X;
Z = atan2f( roty, rotx ) * RADTODEG64;
X = 0.0;
rotx = mat[4] * invScale.Y;
roty = -mat[3] * invScale.Y;
Z = atan2f( roty, rotx ) * RADTODEG64;

// fix values that get below zero
if (X < 0.0) X += 360.0;
if (Y < 0.0) Y += 360.0;
if (Z < 0.0) Z += 360.0;

return vector3df((float)X,(float)Y,(float)Z);

//! Sets matrix to rotation matrix defined by axis and angle, assuming LH rotation

inline matrix4x3& matrix4x3::setRotationAxisRadians( const float& angle, const vector3df& axis )
const float c = cosf(angle);
const float s = sinf(angle);
const float t = 1.0 - c;

const float tx = t * axis.X;
const float ty = t * axis.Y;
const float tz = t * axis.Z;

const float sx = s * axis.X;
const float sy = s * axis.Y;
const float sz = s * axis.Z;

column[0].set(tx * axis.X + c,tx * axis.Y + sz,tx * axis.Z - sy);
column[1].set(ty * axis.X - sz,ty * axis.Y + c,ty * axis.Z + sx);
column[2].set(tz * axis.X + sy,tz * axis.Y - sx,tz * axis.Z + c);

return *this;

inline matrix4x3& matrix4x3::setScale( const vector3df& scale )
column[0].X = scale.X;
column[1].Y = scale.Y;
column[2].Z = scale.Z;

return *this;

//! Returns the absolute values of the scales of the matrix.
Note that this returns the absolute (positive) values unless only scale is set.
Unfortunately it does not appear to be possible to extract any original negative
values. The best that we could do would be to arbitrarily make one scale
negative if one or three of them were negative.
FIXME - return the original values.

inline vector3df matrix4x3::getScale() const
// See ... g-matrices

// Deal with the 0 rotation case first
// Prior to Irrlicht 1.6, we always returned this value.
if(core::iszero(column[0].Y) && core::iszero(column[0].Z) &&
core::iszero(column[1].X) && core::iszero(column[1].Z) &&
core::iszero(column[2].X) && core::iszero(column[2].Y))
return vector3df(column[0].X, column[1].Y, column[2].Z);

// We have to do the full calculation.
return vector3df(sqrtf(column[0].dotProduct(column[0])),

// Builds a left-handed look-at matrix.

inline matrix4x3& matrix4x3::buildCameraLookAtMatrixLH(
const vector3df& position,
const vector3df& target,
const vector3df& upVector)
vector3df zaxis = target - position;

vector3df xaxis = upVector.crossProduct(zaxis);

vector3df yaxis = zaxis.crossProduct(xaxis);

column[0].X = (float)xaxis.X;
column[0].Y = (float)yaxis.X;
column[0].Z = (float)zaxis.X;

column[1].X = (float)xaxis.Y;
column[1].Y = (float)yaxis.Y;
column[1].Z = (float)zaxis.Y;

column[2].X = (float)xaxis.Z;
column[2].Y = (float)yaxis.Z;
column[2].Z = (float)zaxis.Z;

column[3].X = (float)-xaxis.dotProduct(position);
column[3].Y = (float)-yaxis.dotProduct(position);
column[3].Z = (float)-zaxis.dotProduct(position);

return *this;

// Builds a right-handed look-at matrix.

inline matrix4x3& matrix4x3::buildCameraLookAtMatrixRH(
const vector3df& position,
const vector3df& target,
const vector3df& upVector)
vector3df zaxis = position - target;

vector3df xaxis = upVector.crossProduct(zaxis);

vector3df yaxis = zaxis.crossProduct(xaxis);

column[0].X = (float)xaxis.X;
column[0].Y = (float)yaxis.X;
column[0].Z = (float)zaxis.X;

column[1].X = (float)xaxis.Y;
column[1].Y = (float)yaxis.Y;
column[1].Z = (float)zaxis.Y;

column[2].X = (float)xaxis.Z;
column[2].Y = (float)yaxis.Z;
column[2].Z = (float)zaxis.Z;

column[3].X = (float)-xaxis.dotProduct(position);
column[3].Y = (float)-yaxis.dotProduct(position);
column[3].Z = (float)-zaxis.dotProduct(position);

return *this;

// creates a new matrix as interpolated matrix from this and the passed one.

inline matrix4x3 mix(const core::matrix4x3& a, const core::matrix4x3& b, const float& x)
matrix4x3 mat ( EM4CONST_NOTHING );

mat.getColumn(0) = a.getColumn(0)+(b.getColumn(0)-a.getColumn(0))*x;
mat.getColumn(1) = a.getColumn(1)+(b.getColumn(1)-a.getColumn(1))*x;
mat.getColumn(2) = a.getColumn(2)+(b.getColumn(2)-a.getColumn(2))*x;
mat.getColumn(3) = a.getColumn(3)+(b.getColumn(3)-a.getColumn(3))*x;

return mat;

//! Builds a matrix that rotates from one vector to another
/** \param from: vector to rotate from
\param to: vector to rotate to ... /index.htm

inline matrix4x3& matrix4x3::buildRotateFromTo(const core::vector3df& from, const core::vector3df& to)
// unit vectors
core::vector3df f(from);
core::vector3df t(to);

// axis multiplication by sin
core::vector3df vs(t.crossProduct(f));

// axis of rotation
core::vector3df v(vs);

// cosinus angle
float ca = f.dotProduct(t);

core::vector3df vt(v * (1 - ca));

column[0].X = vt.X * v.X + ca;
column[1].Y = vt.Y * v.Y + ca;
column[2].Z = vt.Z * v.Z + ca;

vt.X *= v.Y;
vt.Z *= v.X;
vt.Y *= v.Z;

column[0].Y = vt.X - vs.Z;
column[0].Z = vt.Z + vs.Y;

column[1].X = vt.X + vs.Z;
column[1].Z = vt.Y - vs.X;

column[2].X = vt.Z - vs.Y;
column[2].Y = vt.Y + vs.X;


return *this;

//! Builds a matrix which rotates a source vector to a look vector over an arbitrary axis
/** \param camPos: viewer position in world coord
\param center: object position in world-coord, rotation pivot
\param translation: object final translation from center
\param axis: axis to rotate about
\param from: source vector to rotate from

inline void matrix4x3::buildAxisAlignedBillboard(
const core::vector3df& camPos,
const core::vector3df& center,
const core::vector3df& translation,
const core::vector3df& axis,
const core::vector3df& from)
// axis of rotation
core::vector3df up = axis;
const core::vector3df forward = (camPos - center).normalize();
const core::vector3df right = up.crossProduct(forward).normalize();

// correct look vector
const core::vector3df look = right.crossProduct(up);

// rotate from to
// axis multiplication by sin
const core::vector3df vs = look.crossProduct(from);

// cosinus angle
const f32 ca = from.dotProduct(look);

core::vector3df vt(up * (1.f - ca));

column[0].X = static_cast<float>(vt.X * up.X + ca);
column[1].Y = static_cast<float>(vt.Y * up.Y + ca);
column[2].Z = static_cast<float>(vt.Z * up.Z + ca);

vt.X *= up.Y;
vt.Z *= up.X;
vt.Y *= up.Z;

column[0].Y = static_cast<float>(vt.X - vs.Z);
column[0].Z = static_cast<float>(vt.Z + vs.Y);

column[1].X = static_cast<float>(vt.X + vs.Z);
column[1].Z = static_cast<float>(vt.Y - vs.X);

column[2].X = static_cast<float>(vt.Z - vs.Y);
column[2].Y = static_cast<float>(vt.Y + vs.X);

setRotationCenter(center, translation);

//! Builds a combined matrix which translate to a center before rotation and translate afterwards

inline void matrix4x3::setRotationCenter(const core::vector3df& center, const core::vector3df& translation)
column[3].X = -column[0].X*center.X - column[1].X*center.Y - column[2].X*center.Z + (center.X - translation.X );
column[3].Y = -column[0].Y*center.X - column[1].Y*center.Y - column[2].Y*center.Z + (center.Y - translation.Y );
column[3].Z = -column[0].Z*center.X - column[1].Z*center.Y - column[2].Z*center.Z + (center.Z - translation.Z );

//! global const identity matrix
IRRLICHT_API extern const matrix4x3 IdentityMatrix;

} // end namespace core
} // end namespace irr

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Joined: Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:36 pm

Re: Skinning Bone matrix with 4x3 instead of 4x4

Post by The_Glitch »

So is this just making a 4x4 a 4x3?? Looks great don't know how to use this though.
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Posts: 1087
Joined: Sat May 02, 2015 5:05 pm

Re: Skinning Bone matrix with 4x3 instead of 4x4

Post by Vectrotek »

Applause from the masses!
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