Render Depth to Texture for Use in DOF and Shadow Mapping

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Render Depth to Texture for Use in DOF and Shadow Mapping

Post by TheSamurai »

I have recently began to use Irrlicht as it is much easier to use than OpenGL by itself but have been unable to implement Rendering depth to a texture. In OpenGL I was able to accomplish this and I have read many forum posts but none have been able give an answer. Currently I am able to render to a texture and then apply a shader to it but I have been unable to render depth to it.

This code creates the texture.

Code: Select all

rt = Driver->addRenderTargetTexture(core::dimension2d<u32>(Driver->getScreenSize().Width,Driver->getScreenSize().Height),"RTT1");
This code currently draws the scene to the texture.

Code: Select all

I am looking for any help to provide/point me in the direction of solving this. I believe I am correct in saying that the setup is what needs the changes to get depth.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Re: Render Depth to Texture for Use in DOF and Shadow Mappin

Post by hendu »

You render depth by outputting depth in your shader. gl_FragColor = vec4(gl_FragCoord.z)
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